Food Allergies Can Be Avoided! How Parents Can Fight Back with Ready, Set, Food!

Food Allergies and Recent Breakthrough Research

Although parenting has always been a challenge, the increasing concern regarding food allergies and the potentially serious consequences they cause has resulted in significant distress recently amongst my parents. The fact that food allergies have tripled in recent years and that the majority of this increase has occurred in children with NO family history of allergic risk only augments their worries.

But, amid this not-so-good-news is some very great news! Recent clinical studies (LEAP, EAT, and PETIT) have shown that when children are introduced to allergenic foods early and often, the risk of developing food allergies can be lowered by up to 80%.

When the landmark studies were published and supported by recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), I too began instructing my parents to initiate early and sustained introduction of common allergenic foods to their children.  

Early Allergen Introduction Made Easy

What I have found in making this recommendation, however, is that parents struggle following early and sustained introduction because they are unable to prepare and have their children eat these common allergenic foods on a consistent basis. As a pediatrician and a parent myself, I understand this. The truth is, it’s challenging to both prepare and get children to eat anything several times a week. In the landmark studies, participants were exposed to allergenic foods 2-7 times/week for 3-6+ months.  

When I learned about Ready, Set, Food! from my colleague and board-certified allergist Katie Marks-Cogan, M.D., I immediately knew that it was a product that would help busy families address the challenge of sustained food allergen exposure. Since Ready, Set, Food! comes in a powder form that can be easily mixed with formula, breast milk, or other foods and targets the three most common food allergens (peanut, egg, and milk), it frees parents from the work (and hassle) of getting children to eat allergenic foods.

The Ready, Set, Food! simple numbered packet system makes it easy for parents to start early allergen introduction in the critical window of 4-6 months and continue for several months or until these foods become a regular component of their baby's diet. As a bonus, Ready, Set, Food! is formulated with only natural foods, and is organic, non-GMO and contains only peanut, egg, and milk. Parents will find that this product is safe and gentle on their baby’s tummies.

As an allergy sufferer myself, I understand the discomfort and interruption to daily living that allergies cause. That's why I recommend Ready, Set, Food! at every 4 month well child visit.

Learn more about how Ready, Set, Food! makes it easy to follow the guidelines to reduce your child’s risk of developing food allergies here.

Interested in receiving a free intro pack ($24 value)?  Claim this special offer for Pacific Ocean Pediatrics families and get your head-start towards an allergy-free future here.  


Robert C. Hamilton, M.D.